Our Work

At Umba our team of editors will review your website, identify English writing problems and offer solutions. If a products description doesn’t make sense we will fix it so your company looks more professional to the thousands of potential customers who view your website daily. Our clients all agree that a customer is more likely to buy from manufacturers who demonstrate clear product knowledge.

Web Monitoring

  • The Editorial team monitors Website content to ensure that product descriptions conform correctly to English writing rules and accurately convey the intended meaning;
  • Focus on sentence structure and syntax so it is easy to understand.
  • To ensure consistency of language and style removing redundancy/repetition and wordiness。

Proof / Editing

  • Text elements, over all file structure and layout are consistent and appropriate for the target audience;
  • Editors expertly check presentation, formatting and referencing for a company where English is a second language;
  • Corrections are given in simple language where the tone, style, spelling, grammar and punctuation are guaranteed